What does chinese name zhanjin means? + 37 Similar names

meaning and definition of the name zhanjin

Summary table
Gender :Masculine
Origin :Chinese
Meaning :From Chinese zhn meaning to divine to foretell combined with jn meaning metal or gOld as well as other character combinations that can form this name
Pronounciation :zhanjin
Written Form in chinese :占金
Numerology :lucky number is 7

Table Of Content

Name Research
Nick name
Variant forms
Closest names
Names with Same Constants
Similar names list


From Chinese zhn meaning to divine to foretell combined with jn meaning metal or gOld as well as other character combinations that can form this name

Name Research

Our algorithm based on hundred-thousands of names suggests that this name root and origin is likely 29% kazakh 22% belarusian 20% chinese 12% korean 6% ukrainian, it also shows that this name is 0% more feminine ( 38% feminine 38% masculine 24% unisex wider the difference means better people are able to distinguish gender of the name) it has two syllable, compared to the names available in database it is 71% easier to say (pronounce) and 2% easier to write than most of the names. (based on levenshtein score 652829 (min: 510803 as easiest, max:4862755 as hardest) easier means more familiar, general and regular while harder means more complex and unique, even rare to the most common names recorded on database)using the form below you are able to generate some names similar to zhanjin

Generate names

Closest names

3 of the most closest and nearest names are listed as follows sorted by approximity

Names with Same Constants

6 names with same constants excluded vowels

Variant forms

18 forms of misspellings and variations are listed as following

  • 1. Jhanjin
  • 2. Zhaanjin
  • 3. Zhamjim
  • 4. Zhandjin
  • 5. Zhanjan
  • 6. Zhanjeen
  • 7. Zhanjein
  • 8. Zhanjen
  • 9. Zhanjhin
  • 10. Zhanjin
  • 11. Zhanjyn
  • 12. Zhannjinn
  • 13. Zhanzhin
  • 14. Zhaonjin
  • 15. Zhaunjin
  • 16. Zhhanjin
  • 17. Zhonjin
  • 18. Zxanjin

Similar names list

33 related names considered as similar or twin or sounding same as zhanjin are as follows

Nick name

5 nicknames are as follows:

  • 1. Zha
  • 2. Zhanji
  • 3. Zhanjy
  • 4. Zhi
  • 5. Zhy


1 names with same letters

Near names

4 names that might be added prior or after this name are as below ordered alphabetically
